If you’re a gamer you’re likely at least a little competitive, and whether you’re trying to beat a boss or play against other people online, having a competitive edge is great. This, my friends, is at the heart of an entire industry – an industry that makes and sells add-ons meant to make you a faster, better, more capable gamer.
Although not well-known in most circles, these “add-on games” are offered by a variety of vendors and are available in almost any form imaginable. There are pills, powders, drinks, drops, and even vitamins that contain resin; and each brand has its own combination of performance enhancers. They range from simple and known as caffeine or ginseng to exotic chemicals that sound like they are extracted from the vocabulary of cyberpunk textbooks. You know, at times Red Bull doesn’t make it.
The thing is, there haven’t been any clinical studies looking at this supplement and its effectiveness. As I’ve done with other promising supplements, I decided to try them myself and track my effectiveness stats.
After shopping online and comparing all my options, I finally decided to buy a bottle of VPN gaming tires. Think of these as vitamins from Flintstones designed to enhance your Call of Duty skills. The package promises “better reaction time”, more energy and better concentration. and a list of active ingredients including alpha glyceryl phosphoryl, panax ginseng, ginkgo biloba, lutein and isoaxin isomers. You know – normal stuff. The other ingredients are basically different types of sweeteners